First Aid for TY Students

Welcome to our specialized First Aid Training program designed exclusively for Transition Year (TY) students in Ireland. This comprehensive course aims to equip students with essential life-saving skills, fostering a sense of responsibility and preparedness in emergency situations.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to First Aid:
    • Understanding the importance of first aid
    • Legal and ethical considerations
  2. Basic Life Support (BLS):
    • CPR techniques
    • Use of automated external defibrillators (AED)
  3. Medical Emergencies:
    • Recognizing and responding to common medical issues
    • Dealing with allergic reactions, seizures, and diabetic emergencies
  4. Trauma Management:
    • Wound care and bleeding control
    • Fracture management and sprain care
  5. Burns and Scalds:
    • Identifying different degrees of burns
    • Proper first aid measures for burns and scalds
  6. Poisoning:
    • Recognizing signs of poisoning
    • First aid for ingestion or exposure to harmful substances
  7. Environmental Emergencies:
    • Heat-related illnesses
    • Hypothermia and frostbite
  8. Practical Scenarios:
    • Simulation exercises for hands-on experience
    • Application of learned skills in real-life scenarios

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this training, TY students will:

  • Possess a solid understanding of first aid principles.
  • Demonstrate competence in performing CPR and using AEDs.
  • Be able to respond confidently to a range of medical emergencies.
  • Know how to manage trauma-related injuries effectively.
  • Understand the basics of handling burns, scalds, and poisoning incidents.
  • Recognize and address environmental emergencies.
  • Gain hands-on experience through practical scenarios.

Who Should Attend: This course is specifically tailored for Transition Year students in Ireland who are eager to acquire valuable first aid skills. It is suitable for those looking to enhance their personal development, take on leadership roles, and contribute positively to their communities.

Methods of Training: Our training program combines interactive classroom sessions with practical hands-on exercises. Students will engage in group discussions, role-playing scenarios, and simulations to reinforce theoretical knowledge. Experienced instructors will guide students through various modules, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Certification: Upon successful completion of the First Aid Training for TY Students, participants will receive PSTC certification valid for 2 years

Courses Details: