Chemical Safety Awareness

Our Chemical Safety Awareness Training is a specialized program that covers essential aspects of handling, storing, and managing chemicals in compliance with Irish safety regulations. The training provides participants with a basic understanding of the potential hazards associated with various chemicals and the necessary precautions to mitigate risks.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Chemical Safety
    • Understanding chemical hazards
    • Legal and regulatory framework in Ireland
  2. Chemical Classification and Labelling
    • GHS (Globally Harmonized System) principles
    • Interpretation of chemical labels and safety data sheets
  3. Risk Assessment and Management
    • Identifying and assessing chemical risks
    • Implementing control measures
  4. Safe Handling and Storage Practices
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines
    • Proper storage and transportation of chemicals
  5. Emergency Response Procedures
    • Emergency shutdown protocols

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Chemical Safety Awareness Training, participants will:

  • Recognize and evaluate chemical hazards in the workplace.
  • Understand the importance of compliance with Irish safety regulations.
  • Effectively use safety data sheets and interpret chemical labels.
  • Implement risk assessment and management strategies.
  • Demonstrate proper handling, storage, and transportation of chemicals.
  • Respond appropriately to chemical-related emergencies.

Who Should Attend

This training is essential for:

  • Employees working with or around chemicals
  • Anyone involved in the procurement, handling, or storage of chemicals

Methods of Training

Our training program employs a variety of effective teaching methods, including:

  • Lectures and Presentations: Engaging sessions led by experienced professionals.
  • Practical Demonstrations: Hands-on exercises to reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  • Case Studies: Real-world scenarios to apply learned concepts.
  • Interactive Discussions: Open forums for questions and group participation.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Continuous evaluation to ensure understanding.


Participants who successfully complete the Chemical Safety Awareness Training will receive a certificate from PSTC valid for 3 years

Courses Details: