Seizure Management

Our Seizure Management course delves into the various aspects of recognizing, understanding, and responding to seizures. Participants will gain insights into the different types of seizures, their potential causes, and the appropriate steps to take in order to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals experiencing seizures.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Seizures
    • Types of seizures
    • Causes and triggers
    • Prevalence in Ireland
  2. Recognition and Diagnosis
    • Identifying signs and symptoms
    • Differential diagnosis
    • Importance of medical evaluation
  3. First Aid for Seizures
    • Ensuring safety during a seizure
    • Positioning and protection
    • When to call for professional help
  4. Seizure Management in Specific Populations
    • Children and seizures
    • Seizures in the elderly
    • Addressing special considerations
  5. Medication and Treatment Options
    • Overview of antiepileptic drugs
    • Treatment plans and adherence
    • Supporting individuals in their management journey

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the Seizure Management course, participants will:

  • Recognize different types of seizures and their triggers.
  • Demonstrate appropriate first aid measures during a seizure.
  • Understand the importance of seeking medical help and providing necessary information for diagnosis.
  • Tailor seizure management approaches based on the age and specific needs of individuals.
  • Foster a supportive environment for individuals managing seizures.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for:

  • Healthcare professionals (nurses, paramedics, physicians)
  • First responders (police, firefighters, emergency medical technicians)
  • Teachers and educators
  • Caregivers and family members
  • Anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge of seizure management

Methods of Training: Our Seizure Management course employs a variety of engaging and interactive teaching methods to ensure effective learning:

  • Lectures and Presentations: In-depth discussions led by experienced instructors.
  • Case Studies: Real-life scenarios to enhance practical understanding.
  • Role-playing and Simulations: Hands-on practice of seizure management techniques.
  • Interactive Discussions: Opportunities for participants to share experiences and ask questions.

Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certification valid for 2 years

Courses Details: