Infection Prevention and Control

This infection prevention and control course is designed to equip healthcare professionals, support staff, and anyone involved in healthcare settings with the essential knowledge and skills to prevent and control infections effectively. As the importance of infection prevention becomes increasingly evident, our training aims to enhance your understanding and application of best practices in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Infection Prevention

  • Understanding the basics of infections
  • Overview of common pathogens
  • The importance of infection prevention in healthcare

Module 2: Microbiology and Epidemiology

  • Fundamentals of microbiology
  • Disease transmission routes
  • Epidemiological principles

Module 3: Standard Precautions

  • Hand hygiene protocols
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) usage
  • Safe injection practices

Module 4: Environmental Controls

  • Cleaning and disinfection procedures
  • Waste management in healthcare settings
  • Strategies for maintaining a clean and safe environment

Module 5: Outbreak Management

  • Early detection and reporting of outbreaks
  • Response strategies during outbreaks
  • Communication protocols

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this training, participants will:

  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the principles of infection prevention and control.
  2. Implement standard precautions effectively to minimize the risk of infection transmission.
  3. Apply appropriate microbiological and epidemiological concepts in a healthcare setting.
  4. Utilize personal protective equipment and practice proper hand hygiene.
  5. Implement environmental controls to maintain a safe and sterile healthcare environment.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency in outbreak management and response strategies.

Who Should Attend

This training is suitable for:

  • Healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, allied health professionals)
  • Support staff in healthcare settings
  • Infection control practitioners
  • Anyone involved in the delivery of healthcare services

Methods of Training

Our Infection Prevention and Control Training in Ireland employs a blended learning approach, combining online modules, interactive workshops, case studies, and practical demonstrations. This multifaceted approach ensures that participants not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also develop practical skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios.


Upon successful completion of the training program, participants will receive a certification in Infection Prevention and Control valid for 2 years

Courses Details: