Infection Control Instructor

This Infection Control Instructor course is designed to equip healthcare professionals and educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective instructors in the field of infection control. The training program covers a range of essential topics, providing participants with the expertise needed to educate others on preventing and managing infections in various healthcare settings.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Infection Control
    • Understanding the basics of infection control
    • Historical perspective and evolution of infection control practices
  2. Microbiology and Pathogens
    • In-depth study of common pathogens and infectious agents
    • Transmission modes and prevention strategies
  3. Infection Prevention and Control Measures
    • Standard precautions and isolation techniques
    • Hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and environmental control
  4. Educational Strategies for Instructors
    • Effective communication in infection control education
    • Developing engaging and interactive teaching methods
  5. Outbreak Investigation and Management
    • Recognizing and responding to outbreaks
    • Strategies for containment and mitigation
  6. Legal and Ethical Considerations
    • Understanding the legal and ethical aspects of infection control
    • Patient confidentiality and informed consent

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the Infection Control Instructor Training, participants will:

  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of infection control principles.
  2. Possess the ability to teach and communicate infection control concepts effectively.
  3. Apply knowledge to create engaging and informative educational materials.
  4. Evaluate and implement strategies for preventing and managing infections in diverse healthcare settings.
  5. Demonstrate competence in outbreak investigation and management.

Who Should Attend:

This training is suitable for:

  • Healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors, allied health professionals)
  • Infection control practitioners
  • Educators in healthcare institutions
  • Public health professionals
  • Those responsible for training and development in healthcare settings

Methods of Training:

Our Infection Control Instructor Training employs a variety of effective teaching methods, including:

  • Lectures: Engaging presentations by experts in the field.
  • Case Studies: Real-life scenarios to enhance practical application.
  • Group Discussions: Facilitated discussions to encourage knowledge sharing.
  • Hands-on Workshops: Practical sessions for skill development.
  • Interactive Learning: Utilizing multimedia and technology for an immersive learning experience.


Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a certification in Infection Control Instructor

Courses Details: